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The Dugan Schlozman Blog

How Does Kansas Law Define Sexual Misconduct?

Posted on June 4, 2024

Sex crimes are sadly pervasive. They range from direct sexual assault to subtle forms of harassment. Some victims may even be uncertain whether what they experienced legally counts as misconduct. How does the law define sexual misconduct? Kansas City’s competent sexual harassment lawyer can give you a detailed answer to this question and help you […]Read More

5 Signs of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Posted on May 3, 2024

A Pew Research Center survey found that almost 60% of American women and nearly one-third of American men report facing sexual harassment within the workplace. Sexual harassment comes in many forms, including everything from sexually suggestive remarks to outright requests for sexual favors. If you believe you’re being sexually harassed, don’t be afraid to report […]Read More

What Constitutes Religious Discrimination in the Workplace?

Posted on April 5, 2024

Religious diversity and religious freedom are fundamental principles of the United States. Unfortunately, reality doesn’t always live up to the nation’s ideals, and people sometimes suffer religious discrimination. Perhaps you lost a job or weren’t hired in the first place because of your religion (or lack thereof). Maybe your boss treats you differently or doesn’t […]Read More

The Importance of Racial Sensitivity Training in a Kansas City Workplace

Posted on March 6, 2024

Here in Kansas City, we are lucky to live in a diverse city populated with people of many different experiences, talents, and skills. Diversity is good for employees and employers, and racial sensitivity training is a great way to foster diversity and inclusion in the workplace.  Kansas City’s competent discrimination lawyer at Dugan Schlozman recommends […]Read More

What To Do If You Experience Racial Discrimination in the Hiring Process in Kansas City

Posted on February 1, 2024

Various anti-discrimination laws are supposed to shield prospective employees from discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and other protected characteristics. However, many candidates still encounter negative bias because of their ethnicity or skin color, even if employers won’t admit it. Contact Kansas City’s racial discrimination lawyer if you believe you suffered discrimination in the […]Read More

4 Telltale Signs of Racism in the Workplace

Posted on January 4, 2024

Racism in the workplace is illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. But recognizing signs of racism can be challenging — you may know that a manager or coworker is being racist but be unable to prove it.  These are four common telltale signs of racism that could be grounds for […]Read More

How To Prove Racial Discrimination at Work

Posted on December 1, 2023

Although open racism in the workplace is becoming increasingly rare, many job applicants and employees still suffer discrimination based on race. Biased hiring processes, racially selective promotions, and covert racism occur in organizations of all sizes. Sometimes employers are aware of racist practices and try to cover them up. And sometimes workplace racism is so […]Read More

10 Important Things To Know About Reasonable Accommodations

Posted on November 2, 2023

Kansas and Missouri laws concerning discrimination in the workplace require employers to make reasonable accommodations for employees with a physical or mental disability unless doing so would “create an undue hardship” for the employer. An employer cannot fire you if you become disabled after being hired, cannot deny you employment during the application process, and […]Read More

Our Location

Dugan Schlozman LLC
8826 Santa Fe Drive, Suite 307
Overland Park, KS 66212

6320 Brookside Plaza, #243
Kansas City, MO 64113

Phone: 913.374.6351
Fax: 913.904.0213

Mark Dugan: [email protected]
Heather Schlozman: [email protected]