4 Telltale Signs of Racism in the Workplace
Racism in the workplace is illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. But recognizing signs of racism can be challenging — you may know that a manager or coworker is being racist but be unable to prove it.
These are four common telltale signs of racism that could be grounds for a workplace discrimination claim. If you’re thinking of filing a claim, contact Kansas City’s reputable discrimination lawyers for legal assistance.
1. Unfair Enforcement of Rules and Discipline
One of the clearest signs of racism in the workplace is unfair discipline between you and a coworker of another race. If you and a coworker of a different race are reprimanded for the same activities, and they are only subject to a verbal warning while you are written up, you could point to racism as the cause of the differential treatment.
2. Being Unreasonably Passed Over for a Promotion
If you are continually passed over for promotions you’re highly qualified for in favor of someone of a different race, racism could be the culprit. If you can show that your employer consistently gives preferential treatment to employees of different races than you, even though you have equal or even more relevant qualifications compared to them, you may have a claim of racism
Your employer will likely claim that race had nothing to do with their choice for the promotion. But racism is often underlying and inherent. Systemic racism could be at play in your workplace, leading your employer to make subconscious decisions about whom to promote based on race.
3. A Hostile Work Environment
A hostile work environment often creates grounds for a workplace discrimination claim. In the context of racism, it may include overt racial slurs, insults, or remarks. But it can also include less obvious forms of harassment or abuse, such as:
- Inappropriate jokes at your expense
- Invasions of your personal space
- Unfair treatment from coworkers or supervisors
- Continual interruptions to your work
These actions may not include overt racism. But if you’re subject to this abusive treatment and your coworkers or not, racial discrimination may be at play.
4. Lack of Diversity in Managerial Positions
Take a look at the higher-ranking positions in your workplace. Are there any minority groups of people represented? Or is there a clear lack of diversity in managerial positions?
This could be a sign that your workplace is only willing to hire people of color for low-level positions, reserving upper-level roles for White employees. Whether this decision is conscious or subconscious, it could still be a form of racism.
Are You Experiencing Racism in the Workplace? Contact Dugan Schlozman LLC
The above signs of racism in the workplace aren’t just uncomfortable or frustrating — they may be illegal. If you’re experiencing racism at work, you may be able to hold your employer liable through a workplace discrimination claim.
Our attorneys at Dugan Schlozman LLC can help you prove racial discrimination at work, prevent future discrimination, and seek maximum compensation for your unfair treatment. Contact us today at (913) 374-6351 for your consultation in Overland Park, KS, or Kansas City, MO.